Volleyball LMHS Volleyball 2024 LMHS Volleyball 2024-10-17 vs Manchester (Dig Pink) 2024-10-14 vs Lyman Hall (Senior Night) 2024-09-24 vs Bacon Academy 2024-09-13 vs East Lyme (JV and Varsity) 2024-09-11 vs Wheeler (JV and Varsity) 2024-09-09 - vs Windham (JV and Varsity) 2024-09-04 vs Coventry (Varsity) 2023 LMHS Volleyball 2023-10-13 vs Windham (Dig Pink Game) 2023-09-25 at Windham 2023-09-20 vs Waterford (JV and Varsity) 2023-09-11 vs Fitch (JV and Varsity) 2022 LMHS Volleyball 2022-11-11 at Griswold (CIAC Class S Quarterfinals) 2022-10-07 vs Waterford 2022-09-14 vs Wheeler 2021 LMHS Volleyball 2021-11-20 vs Coventry (CIAC Class S Tournament Championship) 2021-11-16 vs Granby Memorial (CIAC Class S Semifinals at SMSA) 2021-11-12 vs Hale Ray (CIAC Class S Tournament Quarterfinals) 2021-11-10 vs East Catholic (CIAC Class S Tournament 2nd Round) 2021-11-10 - Team Photos 2021-11-05 vs East Lyme (ECC Division-I Finals - ECC Awards Ceremony) 2021-11-03 vs Ledyard (ECC D-I Semifinals) 2021-11-01 vs Woodstock Academy (ECC Quarterfinals) 2021-10-29 vs Killingly 2021-10-28 vs Ledyard (Senior Night) 2021-10-27 vs Haddam-Killingworth 2021-10-25 vs East Hampton 2021-10-23 at Waterford 2021-10-22 vs Griswold 2021-10-20 vs Montville 2021-10-19 vs NFA (Dig Pink Game - Varsity only) 2021-10-18 at Griswold 2021-10-15 at Ledyard 2021-10-13 vs Waterford 2021-10-12 vs Woodstock Academy 2021-10-08 at Plainfield 2021-10-07 at Fitch 2021-10-06 vs Ellington 2021-09-17 at Woodstock Academy 2021-09-13 at Bacon Academy 2021-09-11 at CIAC Early Season Tournament (Woodbridge - Varsity Only) 2021-09-01 - LMHS/RHAM/East Lyme/East Hampton pre-season scrimmage 2021 LMHS Volleyball Year End Video 2020 LMHS Vollyeball 2020-11-19 vs Woodstock Academy (Senior Night) 2020-10-28 vs Fitch (Helen Megson 1000th Kill) 2020-10-26 at Woodstock Academy 2020-10-24 at Waterford 2020-10-21 at Ledyard 2020-10-14 vs Ledyard 2020-10-08 - at Fitch (Groton) 2020-10-07 vs Bacon Academy 2020-10-02 vs Wheeler 2019 LMHS Volleyball 2019-11-23 vs Hale Ray (CIAC Class S Championship) 2019-11-19 vs Immaculate (CIAC Class S Semifinals) 2019-11-15 vs Griswold (CIAC Class S Quarterfinals) 2019-11-13 vs Oxford (CIAC Class S Tournament 2nd Round) 2019-11-06 vs Waterford (ECC D-I Semifinals) 2019-11-04 vs Ledyard - ECC D-I Quarterfinals 2019-11-01 at Bristol Eastern 2019-10-30 vs Hale-Ray (Senior Night) 2019-10-28 at Ledyard 2019-10-25 at Haddam-Killingworth 2019-10-23 at Montville 2019-10-21 at NFA 2019-10-19 at Shen Fest, Clifton Park, NY 2019-10-16 at Killingly 2019-10-14 vs Ledyard 2019-10-12 CT Fall Brawl Tournament 2019-10-09 vs Bacon Academy 2019-10-08 vs RHAM (Junior Varsity Only) 2019-10-07 at Waterford 2019-10-05 vs Granby 2019-10-02 vs Fitch 2019-09-30 vs Killingly 2019-09-27 vs Tolland 2019-09-25 vs Waterford 2019-09-23 at Griswold 2019-09-21 - Team Photo Day 2019-09-18 at Woodstock Academy 2019-09-16 vs East Lyme 2019-09-11 at EO Smith (scrimmage) 2019-09-07 - Darien Playday (9-team scrimmage tournament) 2019-09-04 - RHAM Jamboree (Scrimmage) 2018 LMHS Volleyball 2018-11-17 vs Coventry (CIAC Class S Finals) 2018-11-13 vs East Hampton (CIAC Class S Semifinals) 2018-11-09 at Bolton (CIAC Class S Quarterfinals) 2018-11-07 at Coginchaug (CIAC Class S Second Round) 2018-11-05 vs Cromwell (CIAC Class S Tournament First Round) 2018-10-31 vs Plainfield (ECC D-II Tourney Finals) 2018-10-29 vs Grislwold (ECC D-II Tournament Semifinals) 2018-10-27 vs Windham (ECC D-II Playoffs First Round) 2018-10-26 at Granby 2018-10-24 vs Haddam-Killingworth 2018-10-25 - Picture Day 2018-10-22 vs Montville 2018-10-17 vs Waterford (JV Appreciation Night) 2018-10-15 vs NFA 2018-10-13 - CT Fall Brawl Tournament (RHAM) 2018-10-10 at Plainfield 2018-10-05 at Griswold 2018-10-03 at Bacon Academy 2018-10-01 at NFA 2018-09-28 vs Wheeler 2018-09-27 at Windham 2018-09-24 at Montville 2018-09-21 vs Plainfield 2018-09-19 vs Griswold 2018-09-17 vs Killingly 2018-09-14 vs Fitch 2018-09-12 vs New London 2018-09-10 at Putnam 2018-09-08 - Spiketacular 2018 Tournament (Woodbridge, CT) 2018-09-01 vs Fitch, Woodstock Academy, Coventry (RI) at Fitch 2018-08-29 vs Coventry (RHAM Jamboree) 2018-08-08 - LMHS Volleyball Conditioning 2017 LMHS Volleyball 2017-11-18 vs Coventry (CIAC Class S Championship) 2017-11-14 vs Coginchaug (CIAC Class S Tourney Semifinals) 2017-11-10 vs SMSA (CIAC Class S Quarterfinals) 2017-11-08 vs Notre Dame (Fairfield) - CIAC Class S Tourney Second Round 2017-10-27 at RHAM 2017-10-25 vs Ledyard (Senior Night) 2017-10-24 at East Lyme (Varsity Only) 2017-10-20 at Griswold (clinched ECC D-III) 2017-10-18 vs Plainfield (Dig Pink) 2017-10-16 at Wheeler 2017-10-13 vs Windham (JV Appreciation Night) 2017-10-11 at Montville 2017-10-10 at Waterford 2017-10-09 Team Picture Day 2017-10-04 vs Killingly (Varsity Only) 2017-10-02 vs Wheeler 2017-09-29 vs Granby (Alumni Night) 2017-09-26 vs Griswold 2017-09-20 at Haddam-Killingworth 2017-09-15 at Bacon Academy 2017-09-11 vs Woodstock Academy 2017-09-08 vs Valley Regional 2016 LMHS Volleyball 2016-10-04 at Ledyard 2016-10-20 at Granby 2017-06-08 Gomez Classic 2016-11-19 vs Hale-Ray (CIAC Class S Championship) 2016-11-15 vs Griswold (CIAC Class S Semifinals) 2016-11-11 vs NW Catholic (CIAC Class S Quarter Finals) 2016-11-02 ECC Finals vs Griswold 2016-10-24 vs East Lyme 2016-10-17 vs Griswold 2016-10-14 at Plainfield 2016-10-12 vs Windham 2016 LMHS Volleyball Team Pictures 2016-10-07 vs Bacon Academy 2016-09-28 - at Fitch 2016-09-26 vs Wheeler 2016-09-23 at Griswold 2016-09-21 vs Plainfield 2016-09-19 at Windham 2016-09-12 at Waterford 2016-09-27 vs Windham Tech